Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

EasyRead Time Teacher Children's Wall Clock with simple 3 Step Teaching System. 12" dia, learn to tell the time, ages 5-12..,

Product Description
With very clear graphics displaying all the necessary information, the EasyRead Time Teacher will reduce frustration and build children's confidence by simplifying the process of learning how to tell the time. The dial and hands work together to enable our 3 Step Teaching System, a learning platform that children find easy to understand and easy to remember.The 3 Step Teaching System. Easy to learn, easy to remember.Step1.Read the number at the end of the long hand.Step 2.Say "minutes to" if it's pointing to the red side of the clock, or say "minutes past if it's pointing to the green side.Step 3.Read the number at the end of the short hand.Like this: 8...minutes to...2.It's that easy!

  • From award winning designer Roger Shackleton for ages 5-12 (see product desciption below).
  • Simple 3 Step Time Teaching System thet really works. Your child can learn to tell the time in just a few minutes.
  • Modern and colourful with very clear graphics, appeals to boys and girls of all ages.
  • Completely silent with quality clock body and 1st grade electronic movement.
  • EasyRead Time Teacher clocks also help children with learning difficulties.

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